We are all here to learn and to grow.
I am passionate about using my gifts to help people lead more fulfilling lives, and to help them tap into their full potential.
I offer a range of development workshops (online & in person) – that help you become more conscious of who you are and why you are here & that enable you to unfold your individual gifts in a safe and supportive environment.
One to one coaching sessions are also available. So do reach out to me, if you feel you need more support on this journey we call life.

A Healing Gift
"Don't forget the ones that can't see.
The ones that can't see can still feel the vibration."
This was the cryptic message one of Jeanette's guides gave her when he met her on the London Underground over 25 years ago.
At the time Jeanette didn't understand the message. Now, using sound and light technologies to heal, Jeanette's clients and audience members often say that they can feel the vibration.
In this top photograph Jeanette was working on a young lady with cancer. Jeanette was told to photograph the session. When Jeanette asked internally what the light was the response from her guide was "pentecost". This is a tongue of fire, evidence of the Holy Spirit working through Jeanette on this occasion.
Watch what happened when TV3 put Jeanette's healing ability to the test
When I was young and stupid I smoked cigarettes. In July 2004 I was in a chemical accident which damaged my lungs further. Over the years I have developed COPD or Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. The disease causes many other ailments least of all which is CHF or Congestive Heart Failure and SVT or Supraventricular Tachycardia, Depression and Anxiety.
In August of 2018 I was retaining fluid so badly in my hands feet and legs. The pain was excruciating and I was having trouble sleeping and functioning in general. Medication was not helping. I was not expected to see another Christmas. I was also have repeated episodes of SVT.
In September 2018 I went to a show of Jeanette Wilson in Howick. I saw, in my opinion, many miracles. For me to go to this show was so difficult. I had to walk from the car to the venue and to do this I had to stop so many times just to catch my breath. But I went because I had prayed for help and I believe God led me to Jeanette. After the show I was able to walk to the car without stopping, uphill!!! I felt amazing. I was not called for healing, this was just by sitting in the room and listening to Jeanette.
Although I felt better I was not cured. The swelling in my hands and feet continued and I was still taking all my medications.
In November I made the visit to another of her shows 2 hours away. This time my breathing was so bad I could only walk a few feet before I was exhausted and needed to stop to breathe.
Jeanette called me up for healing. The experience is something I will NEVER forget.
I thought I was having healing for my lungs but she said it was my heart that she felt that spirit were working on. I did not tell her I had congestive heart failure. Spirit knew. She knew
It is now July 2019. My doctor is amazed. I am no longer under the care of a specialist. I am no longer in need or taking ANY heart medications. The swelling in my hands, legs and feet no longer exists. I have had no episodes of SVT since her healing. I have had no anxiety attacks either. My depression has diminished greatly. Much lesser sad days. But when that happens I listen to Jeanette's mp3 and it goes away.
Through Jeanette, I believe God healed my heart conditions. I feel amazing compared to how I did before seeing her. My doctor does not understand how this could be reversed and has since removed all my heart medications from my medicines.
I still have my lung problem but it has diminished in severity. At my previous specialist appointment (June 2018) I was 10% predicted lung function. At the last appointment (June 2019) I had increased to 30% predicted lung function. This is unheard of without surgery for people with my lung condition. This is why I am no longer under a specialists care.
In September of 2019 I am hoping to see Jeanette again to have my lungs repaired. I know that God works through her. I now get to enjoy every day watching my grandchildren grow. I get to marvel at the beauty of everything God has created and I get to be grateful everyday for the healing Jeanette Wilson has afforded me.
This woman is authentic and in my opinion a gift from God. I have no doubt the healing Jeanette gave me saved my life 100%. Her healing did for me what modern medicine could not.
My name is Leanne Manaro aged 61 years.
I broke my wrist in Crete in 2017 and whilst much healing had taken place I was left with an inability to move my wrist to its full capacity back and forward, and it was also very stiff. I went to see Jeanette Wilson when she was in the UK in March 2018 and she did some healing on my wrist. I didn’t feel much during the healing and I was sceptical at first but to my astonishment I was able to move my wrist to its full range of movement after the healing. I remember feeling amazed when Jeanette asked me to move my wrist after she had performed the healing. To this day my wrist remains flexible and mobile.
I have not been paid by Jeanette or anyone to give this testimonial. It is simply the truth.
John McCarthy
I attended Jeanette Wilson's session on 4th July 2019. I went with an open mind, and the intention to observe this healer. I have a background of 34 years working in the NHS (nursing sector) Although I have retired from the NHS, I am used to the medical approach to illness.
Having had a partial knee replacement 3 years ago, I have been experiencing pain in my hip for some time, occasionally resulting in my leg giving way. Jeanette invited me to experience her unique take on healing. I sat on a chair, whilst she stood back. I was aware of her making sounds and moving around . Several times, I stood up to walk, each time being easier . The reality is that I have had no experience of hip pain since.
Naturally I will continue to observe and be aware of any further symptoms, but for now, I am pain free and my gait has improved . Observations of other people on the night led me to believe that this lady has a positive impact on people’s health, which could complement the standard medical interventions.
Please note, I have not been paid to provide this.
Louise Mason
I had been suffering for over a year with a painful neck, back, headaches and fatigue for over a year. Over the last year I have had MRI scans on my head and neck and told to take pain killers. I tried sports massage therapy regular too but nothing helped. I received a healing from you in June in The Wirral. After about 4 days I woke up with no neck or back pain and haven't had a headache since. My energy levels are truly amazing now and I've been working long hours recently and still feel on top of the world !
Thank you for your healing (I use the word healing as I am healed!) and keep doing what your doing.
Donna Greaves
Jeanette Wilson is an amazing healer.
She has helped with with many things but on a physical level she has helped shift my back pain from over 25 years. I have seen many chiro’s, osteos, physio, practically every type of healer and Jeanette’s work really works and has stayed away since
I have not been paid to write this, nor have I been instructed on what to write.
To corroborate this you may contact me at this email address xxxxxx@hotmail.com or on my cell number xxxxxxxxx
I recently had a healing by Jeanette and her spirit team when she visited the Henderson RSA in Auckland.
I had been suffering debilitating pain in my calf muscles which meant that I couldn't walk more than 100 meters without having extreme pain and cramping in my calf muscles meaning that I had to hobble the rest of my journey. This pain made trying to exercise near on impossible which was very frustrating. Stretching did not help and both physio therapists and gym trainers did not know what the cause of this would be or how to fix it. After months of walking and stretching, it didn't get any better and I was getting upset.
After having the healing from Jeanette, two days later I could walk at a decent pace with no pain in my legs at all. And I am happy to say that I have been walking briskly and happily ever day since. The pain was so frustrating and upsetting, I went to Jeanette's show at the end of my tether praying she could help me and that's just what she did.
Thank you Jeanette and your spirit team, you have made a huge difference in my health and well being and I am eternally grateful.
Kind Regards
Helen Docherty